Sunday, November 6, 2011


Well, I've always toyed around with starting a blog, and now I have decided to do it.  I suppose I wanted to share my thoughts with the world, I asked myself, "Who would really read that?"

The honest answer is "I don't know."

So, I guess my thought process is that if one person reads my posts and likes what they see or if it broadens their perspective by just a little, then it was worth me writing.  I want to share my experiences,  my thoughts, and pictures regardless of whether they get read.

So this first post is kind of introductory, I am a senior, undergraduate mathematics education major with a psychology minor.  Kind of a strange combination, right?  With this combination, you can expect a lot of posts about emotion and math...and maybe the combination of the two.  Other than that I live by moments and experiences.  I am not sure what I want to do in the future, but I am positive that I will love where I go and what I do.

Since I am getting ready for my student teaching and I would like to record my experiences and ideas this blog will often contain references to that.  In addition, I am getting to experience some fantastic opportunities and in less than a week will become an international traveler!  This will be partly a record of those experiences!

So, stay tuned and I hope you enjoy!

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