Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thanksgiving - British Style

I love Thanksgiving. When I found that I was going to spend this holiday away from home, I realized how much that I actually love this day.Of almost all the holidays we celebrate in the United States have been sullied by commercialism and material possessions.Valentine’s, Mother’s, and Father’s days seemed to be about something or getting someone something and rather about the person were getting these thingsfrom or who we are giving them to. Christmas is the worse.When Christmas comes, we are all excited about presents, there are shopping deals and a huge deal is made out of Santa Claus, let’s be honest if there is anyone pulling the focus away from the true meaning of Christmas it is Santa.Anyways, I digress; Thanksgiving seems to me to be one of the few holidays that is not tainted by material possessions.Yes the biggest shopping day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving but that really isn’t part of the holiday.What people do or should do on thanksgiving is indulge in a little too much food with family and friends and give thanks.That is one the most genuine experiences, giving thanks, this can be to God, family, friends, health, anything! The last two year I have made thanksgiving for my friends, partly because I like the food but also I want to give my thanks to my friends for being exactly who they are and for what they mean to me.

Enough about the meaning of Thanksgiving but as you can tell, I was kind of sad that I wouldn’t be spending it with my family.The British seemed pretty determined to make it special though and what a Thanksgiving I had.First, Paul, Stuart, and Marissa took me to breakfast and that was delicious.Then all the office had dressed as Americans!
Luke, Me, Oliver, Cully (sp?), Paul, and Luke

You might not be able to tell in the picture but whether it was hats, a Las Vegas Security shirt, or loads of bearcat gear, they are all wearing American clothing!

I had traditional Indian food for lunch…some beef balti! Then for supper, I was going with Paul, Gemma and a bunch of their friends. It was a good time! I had traditional fish and chips and I was just grateful for the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with people in another country. I was thankful that I spent my holiday with new friends. I was just really thankful for all that I have. Afterwards we went to a pub called the Fighting Cock and we all talked and I got to know and make new friends. It was really nice. It really felt like and was a genuine Thanksgiving.

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