“Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
It’s been awhile since I posted, not because I haven’t been writing. I have but none of the things I’ve been writing are ready to post. I couldn’t help writing now.
I saw this quote and to be honest, I have no idea who or where it came from but it struck me and struck me hard. I’ve been looking to the future a lot lately with my college days disappearing rapidly. Over the last two months, I realize more and more every day that what has happened, happened for a reason. I figured out that what I thought I wanted is not what I really wanted all along. I discovered that I am scared of the future because of the change. I’ve also learned that I am excited for the future for that change as well.
I am a firm believer that certain events are placed in our lives because they are meant to change us and how we live. There are multitudes of these events in my life and some seem more powerful than most. One occurred 3 and half years ago when I came to college, when I almost failed to transition to college; I experienced the depression that many college students fall victim to. I even experienced guilt for my depression because I saw no viable reason for it. That event changed my perspective, my philosophy, and forever changed the way I look at others.
Another time came last spring, when I was experiencing the highest success I had ever had. It showed to me that with hard work anything is possible. I dreamed high and I still do. It also showed to me that I can dream high for others. There are multitudes of these moments in my life.
Nonetheless, change is always waiting. I’m a different person from 10 years ago. I like the person I am, but I am scared to realize that change is inevitable. 10 years from now, I will also be a different person, but it is the person I am meant to be. I guess I know, that by following His path for me, “it will be worth it.”
So, I guess the message is to realize change happens, let it happen, and become the person you were meant to be become.
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